Shipping Policy

The cost and delivery time of your order are estimated online at the checkout.

The cost and delivery time of your order are estimated online at the checkout. The estimated delivery time would be within 6-8 business days.

We deliver orders at most of the places in India.

Shipping methods

Our courier partners deliver your shipment to your doorstep.

You can also pick up your shipment from our warehouse facility centres based at Hosur. This facility saves time and shipment cost for customers around Hosur.


Pay with a Visa or Master Visa card either when you place an order on Gorathna. We accept all sorts of cards and payment methods.

Cashless payment (invoices). This method is best for organizations. Place an order, print the received invoice, pay it, and contact us to know the order delivery date.

We also accept digital wallets like Paytm. More digital wallets are to be added soon.

For any questions regarding payment and shipments, get in touch with us via live chat or write us at [email protected] or call us at +91-70193 37061.

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